Well friends, it's been a while! I'd love to hear what you want to learn more about. It's been a struggle to keep this newsletter going over the years. It's meant to be a service to you and I want it to be something valuable that you WANT to open every week, month etc. If you could take a minute to just reply to this email and let me know what you'd like to see more of, it would be a huge help! I've been over here chugging along on Heal Nourish Grow as usual, as well as celebrating 16 months...
5 months ago • 3 min read
This has been a crazy summer friends! We've had a lot of fun family and friends events that took us all over the US to celebrate retirements and weddings. Things have finally started to settle down a bit and I'm trying to hit my stride with content and new things to help you reach your goals. Based on some conversations I had this week, I decided to put out a new podcast episode to share what I've been learning about weight control and body composition the last several years. People are...
8 months ago • 2 min read
If you've been following along with the podcast, you'll know there have been some big changes in my world! Cheese Board for Four We are slowly getting settled back into life in Cincinnati. It's been great to start entertaining and seeing all of our friends again after being gone a year. I always do at least a small cheese board for events and this was one I made for friends last week. I even added some dragonfruit which is pretty unusual to find here unless you happen to have a specialty...
10 months ago • 2 min read
Sleep is one of the most underrated components of health, wellness and weight loss! If you're not sleeping well, nothing else in your body works as well as it could. Poor sleep is contributing factor to heart disease, obesity, diabetes and a number of other health issues. So when I saw that mindfulness.com wanted to offer my readers a FREE sleep challenge with some awesome resources, of course I had to share it with you! The 7-Day Sleep Challenge gives you free access to: Daily Practical Tips...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read
I'm long overdue for a deep dive into this topic, but in the meantime, I'd like to share the basics optimal protein consumption so you can start to incorporate and benefit from it. First off, the RDA numbers for protein are woefully low. Everyone thinks of these guidelines as what you "should" be getting when they're actually the bare minimum required just for survival. If you're trying to improve or optimize your health, the real amount of protein (according to experts) you should be...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
Knee Therapy Well...my knees have been a problem for over 20 years now. After I finally stopped running in 2010 and committed to healing, I was mostly pain-free despite severe osteoarthritis for years. Unfortunately, I had a bad sprain January 2023 and since lifting again, my knees have been VERY cranky (quite an understatement.) So why am I telling you this? I've been testing two things that have been helping me reduce pain and recover. Although ibuprofen is still effective for me, I'd...
about 1 year ago • 3 min read
I think almost everyone would agree cutting down on processed and ultra-processed food is one of the keys to better health. However, this can be challenging in practice because processed food manufacturers have engineered their products to also be ultra-addictive! The good news is you can retrain your palette to appreciate whole foods again, it just takes some time and patience. If you've seen some of my videos and presentations before, you may remember that I recommend approaching this...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
Did you know keto has a National day? Well it's today and I'm celebrating it with seven years of eating this way having started in January 2017. What does eating keto even mean? There are sooooooo many misconceptions! One of the most prevalent is that people on keto just eat bacon and butter all the time. While I'm not opposed to those foods, I eat a diet that can be described as Mediterranean without the grains. I don't see how anyone could label that as unhealthy, yet the misconceptions...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
I'm so sorry for the lack of communication lately but there have been some big changes in Heal Nourish Grow land. I'll do an update later but in the meantime, I really want to get back to my weekly newsletter updates. Today I posted a new podcast episode with some ideas of how you can improve your health in 2024. Please take a listen or watch it on my YouTube channel and let me know what resonates with you and how I can help! While you're checking those out, please subscribe to both?! One of...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read